Reading Time: 3 Minutes
The alarm goes off. Waking at 5am still doesn’t come naturally, I doubt it ever will. I use this quiet time in the morning to get on top of the day while sinking a black coffee.
In for the 6am and 7am class. By the time 8am comes around it feels like I’ve been up for hours.
Again, coffee. Spoilt for choice in Newmarket, I head to Sip Kitchen. I’m then straight into a private session or two. I’m very lucky to have a strong and loyal client base, many of whom have been training with me for years, some renowned international athletes and even the odd celebrity here and there.
Admin. Between the three studios there’s always admin to be done. Newmarket is our busiest studio, which means there’s a never-ending line of bookings, enquiries, questions and queries. A good problem to have. So, I take some time to work through all the emails and calls.
Training; I love it - in all forms and guises. I’ll jump on the Reformer for a session myself or head to the gym for my own time away from the studio.
Back to the studio; we often have staff training time here where we meet and discuss new ideas for the studio and our classes. You always need a fresh perspective and as cliché as it is, the minute you start thinking you know it all you realise how much there is to learn.
In for the 5pm and 6pm class. The day is rounded out in the way it began; with a high intensity yet low impact class. Reform founders Lane and Jane brought this dynamic interpretation of more traditional Reformer Pilates over from London and we want our method to be known as a well-respected form of deliberately challenging exercise.
Going to bed early is an absolute goal every night and I love it. When you get home between 7pm and 8pm and you’re back up at 5am the evenings feel short, but I pour myself a glass of red and catch up on the day with my wife Brooke.
3B Melrose Street | @reformfitnessnz
imagery by @sophieandressend
Tags: A Day In The Life, Interviews