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Calling All Newmarket Heroes!

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Westfield has launched a community recognition programme, ‘Westfield Local Heroes’, which aims to recognise and celebrate local people and the organisations they help in their local areas.

Westfield Newmarket is asking the local community to nominate those that they think deserve to be recognised and awarded a grant, people who promote social wellbeing and harmony across one or more of the following areas.

  • Family – supporting families of all types which could include senior programs and domestic and family violence prevention.
  • Youth Opportunity – creating opportunities for young people which could include improved education, anti-bullying programs, and encouraging positive behaviour and social inclusion.
  • Inclusion – celebrating inclusion and diversity which could include gender equality, mental health support and increasing cultural celebration

Nominated and voted for by the local community, three Westfield Local Heroes from Newmarket will be awarded $10,000 each for their affiliated organisations to help their good work continue to grow and thrive, or help start a new initiative altogether.

Westfield Newmarket Centre Manager Paul Gardner said, “Westfield Local Heroes is about finding and celebrating those important people who go above and beyond to help make their community a better place. Westfield Local Heroes is our way of raising awareness of these individuals and their organisations within the local community, by helping their work continue and grow, or by helping them get started in the first place”.

If you know of someone in your community who deserves to be recognised for the good work they do, please nominate them and get others to nominate them too!

Nominations for Westfield Local Heroes open on Monday 23rd April and close on Wednesday 16th May.

The community’s six local finalists will be announced in-centre at Westfield Newmarket and online from mid-June. A final round of public voting will determine Westfield Newmarket’s three Westfield Local Heroes for 2018.

For further information and to nominate your Westfield Local Heroes, visit
