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CRL; Building for a dynamic Auckland

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Creating New Zealand’s largest transport infrastructure project is no mean feat. Connecting Auckland in what will be a revolution for public transport and getting around our big little city. Dr Sean Sweeney, outgoing Chief Executive of City Rail Link Ltd explains why.

This article appears in NEWMARKET. Spring 24 edition. For more, click here.

I grew up near Wellington, studied engineering at Wellington Polytechnic and Auckland University and completed an engineering-related Doctorate at Melbourne University. I returned home in 2018 as Chief Executive of City Rail Link Ltd, a Crown entity established by the project’s two funders, Auckland Council and the Government.

I first moved into Newmarket from downtown Auckland in December 2019. I didn’t come alone. I brought with me a talented team, some 80 or so people, whose combined skills are making a huge impact on Newmarket and the people who live work and shop here, right across Auckland and into wider New Zealand.

The decision to trade an office with harbour views for one in Teed Street opposite a car park building was simple – I wanted to be closer to the action.

From Teed Street I oversee construction of New Zealand’s largest transport infrastructure project – Auckland’s City Rail Link (CRL). It’s just a short walk between the office and Morgan Street to the headquarters of CRL’s main contractor, the Link Alliance.

Make no mistake, everything about CRL is on a grand scale not seen in this country before – ambitious, complex, challenging, innovative work in the commercial heart of the country’s largest city. When our work is through, the rewards are equally huge - a world class underground railway that a dynamic international city like Auckland needs to grow and prosper.

CRL turns Auckland’s main station, Waitematā (previously Britomart), from a dead-end stop into a through-line joining the Western Line 3.45 kilometres away at Maungawhau station (previously Mt Eden) – no need to “back in and out” at Newmarket. Along the way, we are building two new underground stations.

Newmarket’s rail junction is on the eastern fringes of the project but even here there are CRL-related works including a new track layout to allow more trains to travel directly between west and south Auckland.

With heavy construction almost complete, we are now integrating CRL into the existing rail network to ensure it is safe to be handed over to Auckland Transport and KiwiRail, who will operate the new line.

This is one of the most complicated phases of building a new railway. For starters, there are 31 test plans that must be completed covering the signal systems, track work, overhead power lines, lighting, station lifts and escalators, fire detection and suppression systems, ventilation, security cameras, communications, and station ticket machines and gates.

New Zealand’s never built an underground railway before and those systems will be tested, and tested again, to make sure they mesh with the existing network to do the job they are designed for – keeping everyone safe.

Later in the year, test trains will start running in the tunnels. Drivers and station staff will test and evaluate responses to more than 40 different below ground scenarios.

There is much to be proud of. CRL’s rich relationship with Auckland iwi includes successful employment schemes and striking station designs unique to New Zealand; our trophy cabinet is chocker with awards for construction, environmental protection and health and safety; CRL’s construction innovation gives Kiwi workers and companies long-term skills and confidence to tackle complex infrastructure.

As spring approaches, another change. I will be clearing my desk again – but I’m still in the ‘hood. We will be sharing offices over at the Link Alliance as we continue our push towards a rapidly approaching finish line and all the rewarding changes CRL will bring for Aucklanders and our city.

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