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A Day in the Life of MM Linen's Kerry Jackson

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

We caught up with MM Linen's Creative Director Kerry Jackson to see how she spends a day in her life travelling, visiting the Westfield Newmarket flagship store and designing new collections.


7.00 AM

Alarm goes off. Push snooze. Alarm goes off. Push snooze again! I am so not a morning person.

8.30 AM

I arrive at Westfield Newmarket and pick up a necessary coffee from L’Americano Espresso Bar, right next to the MM Linen store.

Screen Shot 2020 09 21 At 2.36.48 Pm

9 .00 AM

I start the morning by catching up with the retail team followed by a store ‘walk-through’ to assess product placement and merchandising. We often discuss what’s selling well - I love hearing the feedback from the team on the new season ranges.

10.30 AM

The first of my daily email catchups, dealing with enquiries that have come in through the night.

11.30 AM

Present any new designs or ranges to the store team. Currently it's new product for the SS20/21 Collection which just arrived on the day of the lockdown!

Screen Shot 2020 09 21 At 2.37.00 Pm12.30 PM

I wander around Westfield mall to see what else is happening and to sneak in some clothes shopping from stores we don’t have in Christchurch - I can't help myself!

1.00 PM

Lunch with our Store Manager Kimberley at one of the rooftop restaurants; New York Grill, White & Wong’s or Inca are my favourites!

2.30 PM

I spend time on the shop floor, meeting customers. I love doing this, as the coalface is where you get your best response and it is exciting to hear directly from customers, what they think of the brand.

Screen Shot 2020 09 21 At 2.36.54 Pm4.30 PM

I head to the airport and spend time in the Koru lounge and on the plane making notes, summarising any follow up work for the store and ideas for new designs. Arrive home to Christchurch to prepare a Woop! meal with my husband Bruce. We’ve got cooking time down to just 15 minutes, which is my kind of cooking. We relax and catch up with a glass of wine, sometimes having a spa to wind down.

8.30 PM

More emails with my global team on design development and shipping. As the MM Linen brand has grown, working in the evening is very much a necessity in my life, even if it is with a laptop on my knee watching something on the Home channel.

10.30 PM

I’m an avid reader and find I need a good book to get my head away from work and to switch off, so there are always a couple of great reads next to the bed. When I can stop my mind from designing new ranges and planning, I’ll eventually fall asleep...
